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Power Amplifiers


* A power amplifier is desi gned for good power gain.It must handled large votage current savings.
* These high voltages and currents makes the power gain.
* It is very important to have good effiency in a power amlifier.
* An efficient power amplifier delivers the most signal power for the dc power it take from the supply.

Power Efficency:

The job of a amplifier is to charge dc power in to output signal power.Its efficiency is given by

    Power Efficiency=Pout(ac)  *100%

Power Dissipation:

The power dissipation (heat) is the difference between input and output.
                         Power Dissipation=    Pin - Pout

What is the effiency of an amplifier that draws 2A  from a 40V supply when delivering 52w of signal power?How many watts are dissipated in this amplifier?

 Classes Of Amplifiers:

* Depending on the bias which controls the operating point of the amplifier power amplfiers can be classified under several amplifier classes.The main classes are class A,B,AB and C amplifiers.As simply we can said that these are various method to build amplifier circuits.

Class A power Amplifier:

* The class A power amplifier operates near the center of the load line.
* It is highly efficient.
* But it offer low distortion.
 * It has the most simple design.

Class A power Amplifier With Transformer Coupling:

* One reason why the class A amplifier is so wasteful is that Dc power is dissipated in the load
* A big improvement is possible by removing the load from the dc circuit.
* A transformer coupled to the load will produce twice as much signal power.
* A transformer impedence ratio is equal to the square of the turns ratio.
* The ac load line extends up to 32 V.
* A transformer is type of inductor.when the field collapses,a voltage is generated.This adds to the supply voltage.
* The dc load line is vertical.This is because have not changed.The change is the absence of 80 dc resistance.All the suppply now drops across the resistor.
* output power doubles.
* Maximum effiency.
* Transformers are expensive components ,so the cost ofa transformer coupled class A amplifier will be more expensive.

Class B power Amplifier:

* Class B amplifier is biased at cutoff.
* Efficiency is much better.
* Only half the input signal is amplified.
* This produces extreme distortion.
* Two Transistors can be operated in class B.
* One amplifier the positive going portion of the input and the other the negative going portion.
* Reduce distortion.
* This is called the 'push-pull' amplifier.
* is called the driver transformer 
* is called the output tranformer
* provides and with signal drives
* combines the two signals and  supplies output to the load
* With no signal input and are cut off
* When the input signal produces the secondary polrity in  is turned on.
* Current will flow through half of the primary of .
* Signal will appear across the secondary.
* So the positive going portion of the input signal has been amplified and appears across the load .
* By operating  two transistors in push-pull, much of the distortion has been eliminated. The circuit amplifiers almost the entire input signal.


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